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Pregnancy & Parenting
Immunization Support
Family & Community

Support Groups

Pregnancy and New Motherhood

Motherhood is a joyful time, but at times it can also bring on feelings of fear, anxiety, and isolation. Connect with other pregnant and new mothers and find support in this safe space.  We provide free virtual groups for those who reside in: Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Passaic, Sussex, Union, and Warren.

Our Virtual Support Groups Offerings

Mothers of color with babies up to one year old.

A safe space for mothers of color to support and empower each other. 

Mothers with babies up to one year old.

A safe space for mothers to support and empower each other. This group is offered in English and Spanish. 

Pregnancy & New Moms Support Group.

Motherhood is an exciting and transformative journey. A space for all those experiencing pregnancy to navigate challenges and help the transition to motherhood.

Pregnant Moms Support Group

A group for those experiencing pregnancy.

Complete the form below to learn about meeting dates and times. 

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Peer Support Group

Information and support resources for parents who experienced a loss due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or sudden unexplained infant loss. 

Pre-registration is required for all support groups. Sign up for the support groups in the events section below

For support groups outside of the Northern NJ region, please visit –  

Central Jersey Family Health Consortium

Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative 

For perinatal mental health resources outside of NJ, please visit Postpartum Support International.

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