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Doctors and Nurses and Lawyers, Oh My!

May 9, 2024 - 7:30 am - 3:30 pm

Lisa Miller, CNM, JD, returns for a full-day interactive session – “Doctors and Nurses and Lawyers, Oh My!: Liability & Risk Management in Perinatal Care” –  on Thursday, May 9. This in-person conference is an essential learning experience for obstetricians, midwives, obstetric inpatient nurses, administrators, residents, and medical/ nursing students. Attendees will learn from actual perinatal malpractice cases and learn to identify the underlying contributing factors to errors. Attendees will obtain knowledge on medical and nursing documentation and its relationship with liability.  Registration is required.

About Lisa A. Miller, CNM, JD: Founder of Perinatal Risk Management and Education Services, Lisa is a certified nurse-midwife with over 40 years of experience in a wide variety of settings. Also an attorney, her legal background gives her a unique understanding of the impact of law on medicine and nursing. Ms. Miller served as an Assistant Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University Medical School and is published in the areas of EFM, obstetrics, and patient safety. She spends most of her time teaching an evidence- and consensus-based standardized approach to fetal monitoring interpretation & management, based on the NICHD nomenclature.

Course Objectives: After attending this program, the learner will be able to:

  • Identify common liability issues in perinatal care
  • Review typical allegations in perinatal malpractice litigation and describe appropriate risk reduction strategies
  • Describe and discuss the relationship between documentation and deposition

Target Audience: Obstetric Nurses, Physicians, Midwives

Disclosure/Commercial Support: The planners do not have any conflicts of interest to report for this activity. The speaker, Lisa Miller, discloses that she serves on the Medical Advisory Board of Clinical Computer Systems, Inc. All of the relevant financial relationships listed for this individual have been mitigated. There is no commercial support for this activity.

Learning Outcomes: After attending the program, 85% of learners will report intent to incorporate information on liability issues in perinatal care, risk reduction strategies, and documentation into their professional practice. Three months after the program, 75% of attendees will report having incorporated the information into professional practice.

Cost: $250 – Early Bird Special: $210 if purchased before April 5.

Registration: Click here to register. Space is limited. Early registration is encouraged.

Continuing Nursing Education Contact Hours: The program has been awarded 6.25 contact hours. The Partnership for Maternal and Child Health of Northern New Jersey is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by New Jersey State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. P115- 6/2024 Approval status does not imply endorsement by the Partnership for Maternal and Child Health of Northern New Jersey, NJSNA or by ANCC of any commercial products discussed/displayed in conjunction with the educational activity.

Successful Completion: To receive contact hours for this continuing education program, the registrant must sign-in on the sign-in sheet, attend the entire conference, and complete and submit an online evaluation. A certificate of completion will be distributed electronically within two weeks of the event.

Questions? Contact Sarah Muller-Robbins, Director of Education, at 973-268-2280.


May 9, 2024
7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Event Categories:


Montclair State University Conference Center
1 Normal Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07043 United States
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